It's SHOW TIME! About to pull down the main power cables from the ceiling. Bad Mojo wondering if the power is REALLY off... Time2Die hoping his name won't be a prophesy in this case.
Had to remove some of the mirrors from the rooms walls to hang banners and brackets
jargirl welding the tape as the power and network cables are laid...and N8_Dawg sneaking out of ANOTHER picture! Actually a picture from break down, but pretend you're looking at this picture in reverse and you get the idea. A shot of the server table getting set up. Took the PC's from the cars when we started to set up so that they would adjust to room temperature before turning them on as it was so cold outside. Everyone had their part in setup. Here we see multiple people setting up the power cables. Getting things ship shape... Hanging the sheet to the right for match displays, Dreamcast and DVD playing. Set up and ready to go. smeg gets ready to open the floodgates! We had over 30 people waiting in line at 10:00AM on Saturday. smeg, jargirl and giblet were able to get them all checked in quickly so the fragging could begin. |
Free Range Action Gaming (F.R.A.G.) 7
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