Overview - Setup/Cleanup - Staff - People - Room - Friday - Saturday
Saturday Prizes - Sunday - Sunday Prizes - Tournament Winners - Home

Some of the Sec.8 guys; Asswoop, Nuprin, Kildre

Thrax says "Hi"

[KI].lukin watches [KI].jargirl and [KI].N8_Dawg playing.




smeg playing in the Instagib CTF tournament 


PiMPBoT...before selecting his prize of Baby Oil and tissue.  Shortly after getting his prize he played the "Look for things starting with P on your hard drive" game... with himself!


Parthenon with his glowing machine setup 




The Magi crew. 

Overview - Setup/Cleanup - Staff - People - Room - Friday - Saturday
Saturday Prizes - Sunday - Sunday Prizes - Tournament Winners - Home

Gamers' Gauntlet - A F.R.A.G. Staff Production
All content and original artwork copyright © 1999-2001