
Thursday, Feb
28, 2002 2:45 PM |
There are, at the time of this update, 69 people registered and 21 people payed. In my thinly veiled effort to push this event (DUH!), I'll remind everyone that if you don't pre-pay, we won't guarantee you a seat. And if any one of you couldn't make it ... *sniff* ... I would cry. Well, maybe I would.
I'll also take this time to direct people to the forums and FAQ links to the left. If you can't find your answer in the FAQ and/or you really need to know something, use the forums and let us know.
Bad Mojo
Monday, Feb
25, 2002 3:03 PM |
The new hotel information is updated on the location page. We have taken some photos of the exits from east and west and will post those along with directions as soon as possible.
Bad Mojo
Sunday, Feb
24, 2002 10:37 PM |
If you just can't wait for the next G2, or you want to get your game on in preperation for G2, I recommend checking out Network Invasion. I attended the last one and had a great time. NIC is March 1st and 2nd near Charlotte, NC.
Bad Mojo
Saturday, Feb
23, 2002 7:37 PM |
If you want to see what building a new power-box is like, check out
the forums. We took a few shots of the process, but you'll have to wait for G2-III to see the finished box.
Bad Mojo
Saturday, Feb
23, 2002 11:47 AM |
Wow! 33 people are registered as I write this. Spread the word about G2 because that early bird special of $25 won't last forever.
Today we are building a NEW powerbox to meet the demands of 72 hungry computers. If we're lucky, no one will lose any fingers!
Bad Mojo
Thursday, Feb
21, 2002 09:33 AM |
I have no idea how this slipped my mind last night, but I forgot to mention that we'll have T1 access at this next G2. So, your ICQ will actually work.
Bad Mojo
Wednesday, Feb
20, 2002 9:36 PM |
G2 III is on the way. While we may have had huge obstacles to overcome in making this next event possible, G2 LIVES!
Over time, G2 has wethered good times and bad, and this event will be no different in that respect. But, there will be some new changes in the duration and size of G2 III. We have managed to secure the best location we could find that met our power, price, and size demands. This new location is closer to Raleigh, will seat 72 people, and is rather spiffy in all respects. It just happens to be the Comfort Suites on Page Road in the Research Triangle Park. Doors open 3:00pm on April 5th and run until late Saturday evening. Our three main tournaments will consist of Medal of Honor, Quake 3 CTF, and Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
Stay tuned for directions and more specific information about tournaments, schedule, and hotel information. Now, show your support for Wynona Ryder and REGISTER for G2 III!
Bad Mojo
Tuesday, Feb
19, 2002 07:53 AM |
Things are looking good. We're currently in talks with a hotel just 10 minutes outside of Raleigh in the Research Triangle Park area. Our current sticking point requires us to fabricate another power solution but otherwise things look good. Stay tuned for more information this week.
Bad Mojo
Friday, Jan
25, 2002 2:05 PM |
I know everyone and their mom wants to know what's going on. We're researching power in a new location (or two) closer to the Raleigh area right now. As soon as we know anything certain, we will let you know. Since we don't have a location nailed down to 100% certainty right now, we won't get your hopes up with a date.
The economy may suck. Winona Ryder may be on probation. But come hell or high water, G2-III is on it's way.
Bad Mojo
Wednesday, Jan
09, 2002 9:11 PM |
F.R.A.G. is on the move. After some downtime to let us all deal with the Holidays and get some rest, we've started up work on the next G2 event. Next week we will be releasing information about locations and dates as well as tournament information. So stay tuned, G2 III is on it's way.
Bad Mojo