Here are the rules for Gamers' Gauntlet. These are put in place to set the
expections of the participants that attend our events and as reference when
questions arise about games played and tourney settings and rules. It is every participants responsibility
to know the rules when competing at a Gamers Gauntlet event.
Ignorance is no excuse. The "General Rules" are rules that apply to
all of the games. The specific rules that apply to specific games and tourneys
have final say on settings and rules.
General Rules
General Event Rules - These are the basic do's and dont's.
Tournament Rules - How the tourneys are setup and run and a breakdown of participant responsibilities.
General G2 Quake3 Info - This section details which quake3 version, competition mod, 3rd party maps, and clients settings we're using at the event.
Quake3 Game Types - The different types of games that you can play. From DM and CTF to Harvester and Terrain CTF.
CTF Tournament
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Game Types
Tournament Rules
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
MoHAA Game Info
MoHAA Tournament Rules
Unreal Tournament
Unreal Tournament Game Types - The different types of games that you can play. From DM and CTF to Assault and Domination.
Any questions that aren't covered here should be forwarded via email to the Staff ASAP. Don't wait till the day of the event to ask a question that could greatly effect your experience at Gamers' Gauntlet!